In the hands of a good surgeon phacoemulsification is extremely safe due to these advantages:
Small incision (3mm): Sutures are not needed due to the very small incision that is self-sealing. This reduces the risk of astigmatism and foreign body sensation after surgery. It also eliminates fluctuations in intraocular pressure during surgery, which in turn reduces risk of hemorrhage.
Topical anesthesia: All that is required is anesthetic eye drops. No need for injections or general anesthesia.
Immediate recovery: No admissions to the clinic or bandages are needed. The patient may restart daily activities immediately.
Eye structures are intact: The small size of the incision does not affect eye structure. Eye resistance to trauma is the same as it was before surgery.â¨â¨Just as any other surgical procedure, Catalase has risks. One out of a hundred people may have some sort of complication. In almost every case there is a solution to the problem. Severe complications are extremely rare.