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Tijuana Eye Center

What is macular degeneration?

Age-related macular degeneration (or AMD) is a slow and progressive disease of the macula in the retina.

central vision

The retina is nervous tissue in the eye that captures light and images to be sent through the optic nerve to the brain. The brain interprets these signals into images. The macula is the most sensitive part of the retina. When the macula is damaged central vision is affected, which can impair certain activities such as reading or driving.

AMD is a very common eye disease in patients more than 50 years old.

How does it occur?

The exact underlying mechanism that initiates this disease is not clearly known. There are two types of AMD: wet and dry.

The wet form occurs when abnormal blood vessels (which are fragile) grow beneath the retina, rupture and bleed into the retina along with fluid. This form of AMD can damage the macula rapidly.

In the dry form, light sensitive cells within the retina are gradually damaged. The dry form is more common, produces slower vision loss and tends to be less severe.

In both cases, a blind spot occurs in central vision.

AMD is more common in patients with a family history of the disease, and AMD can be more severe in smokers.

Signs & symptoms

AMD does not cause pain. The first symptoms to occur are:

  • Visual distortion
  • Color vision alteration
  • Blurred vision
  • Blind spot in central vision

If only one eye is affected, patients may not notice blurred vision when both eyes are open and working.

How is it diagnosed?

The ophthalmologist will review your symptoms and perform a careful examination with pupil dilation. Special diagnostic exams such as fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography will be performed to assess the type of AMD and to evaluate treatment options.

How is it treated?

In the dry form of AMD, antioxidants and vitamins are recommended. This has been demonstrated in large multicenter trials to be effective in limiting damage to the retina. Occasionally, laser treatments can be performed in the dry type of AMD to close off some blood vessels.

In the wet form of AMD, there are several treatment options available. The treatment will depend on the extent of AMD and whether there is scar tissue present.

Photodynamic therapy is performed with the use of a photosensibilizing drug injected through the vein, and laser therapy applied to the retina to cauterize abnormal blood vessels. Photodynamic therapy has been shown to be effective in limiting the growth of neovascular membranes.

Anti-angiogenic therapy is the newest treatment modality. Large clinical trials have demonstrated anti-angiogenic therapy to be more effective in treating neovascular membranes caused by wet AMD. Furthermore, studies have shown that visual acuity can actually improve with this form of treatment.

Vision aids are also helpful in improving the quality of life of patients with AMD. These aids include: * eye loupes * telescopes * closed circuit portable televisions

These types of vision aids are available at the Tijuana Eye Center, Department of Subnormal Vision

What can I do?

Never ignore visual symptoms, lines that appear distorted, the appearance of blind spots, or the loss of color vision.

Have a comprehensive eye examination every two or three years. Discuss all symptoms and treatment options with your ophthalmologist.

Visual Aids

Visual aids can be helpful in improving patients vision when macular degeneration has caused an important decrease in central vision. These visual aids can be loupes, telescopic glasses, portable televisions. They work by magnifying the image so it can be seen. Our Low Vision Department can help you improve your quality of life.

How can I take care of myself?

Consult a professional if you notice any changes in vision. Never ignore blurred vision,any type of visual distortion, or blind spots that can appear. A complete checkup should be peformed at least every 2 to 3 years. If there is any history of diabetes, a year checkup should be performed.

Key Points Summary
  • Advanced Diagnostic Tools: Use of OCT and fundus imaging to detect early signs of macular degeneration.
  • Innovative Treatments: Options include anti-VEGF injections, laser therapy, and lifestyle changes to slow progression.
  • Focus on Retinal Health: Treatments aimed at preserving central vision and enhancing retinal health.
  • Supportive Patient Education: Information and resources provided to help patients understand their condition and treatment options.
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