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Tijuana Eye Center

What is Retinal Surgery?

Oculoplastic Surgery is a subspecialty within the area of ophthalmology that treats diseases related to the lids, orbital region and the lacrimal system. This includes lid malposition problems such as droopy lid, tumors, lid reconstruction, tearing problems among other pathology.


Hear what JoseĖ Alberto Loya has to say about Retinal Surgery:


Retina surgery encompasses any surgical technique used to repair the retina.

There are several techniques used in retinal surgery such as:

  • Vitrectomy
  • Scleral Buckle
  • Retinopexy
  • MacularTranslocation
  • Retinectomy

Additionally, several adjuncts can be used to help maximize postoperative results. Some of these are the following:

  • Air Injection
  • Heavy Gas Injection
  • Silicone Oil Injection
  • Perfluorocarbon Liquids
  • Laser Photocoagulation

The surgical technique and adjuncts used will depend on the particular case of every patient depending on severity, disease and the experience of the surgeon.

Retina surgery is one of the more complicated ocular surgeries performed within ophthalmology. The results after surgery vary widely according to disease severity and surgeon experience.

There are several reasons that a retinal surgery may be necessary. The following is a short list of the most common indications for surgery:

  • Retinal Detachment
  • Vitreous Hemorrhage
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Epiretinal Membrane
  • Macular Hole

Retinal Detachment

A retinal detachment occurs as the result of a hole or tear in the retina through which vitreous passes and causes de retina to detach. As the retina is a membrane and extremely thin, it cannot be sutured directly and must be approximated to the wall (indented) of the eye (or sclera) and laser pulses, cautery or cryotherapy is applied around the tear to form scar tissue and healing of the tear. The vitreous gel that is behind the retina is drained through a small incision. An adjunct such as gas, air or silicone oil can be used to help reapply the retina.

These procedures are effective in 90% of cases. If the macula was involved in the retinal detachment, it may be possible that the vision will not recover completely. It is imperative that surgery be done as quickly as possible to recover as much vision as possible.

What is a Vitrectomy?

A vitrectomy is an ocular surgery where the vitreous gel is removed. This procedure is performed as an ambulatory procedure, under local anesthesia and sedation. The patient although awake, does not feel pain or discomfort as the surgery takes place. The duration of the surgery will depend on the problems that will be treated. Once the procedure is done, an eye patch is placed to removed the next day.

Eyedrops such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication will be prescribed as needed to help avoid infection and reduce inflammation. Sometimes intraocular pressure medication can be used.

During the postoperative period, consultation and follow-up are needed to help ensure proper recovery.

How is a vitrectomy performed?

This procedure is performed with microsurgical instruments: fiber optic light, irrigatio cannula to help maintain intraocular pressure, and microsurgical instruments that cut or can remove the vitreous gel. These instruments are introduced through very small incision less than a mm wide.

While the vitreous is removed from the eye, it will be replaced with gas, air, water or silicon oil depending on the disease progression and what substance will provide better stability to the retina. It is usually necessary to maintain certain positions after the surgery. Your retinal specialist will tell you the best position to be in after surgery.

When the eye is filled with gas, the vision is very poor. As the gas is naturally replaced with water, the patient will notice vision improvement. Gas can take several weeks to be replaced by the body. Patients should avoid airplane travel or climbing high altitudes as the gas can expand and increase intraocular pressure.

On the other hand, silicone oil is not reabsorbed, and should be removed with another surgery when the retinal surgeon deems necessary. Silicone oil inside the eye is not a contraindication for airplane travel.

If necessary, other surgeries such as cataract surgery can be performed with vitrectomy.

Dr. JosÊ Luis Guerrero

Oculoplastic Specialist

What is a Scleral Buckle?

Scleral buckle surgery is the most frequently performed procedure for retinal detachment. It is generally done in an operating room under local or general anesthesia. It is usually performed for uncomplicated cases as an outpatient procedure.

The surgeon will first open the conjunctiva, locate the area with the retinal tear, place a scleral band over the area, approximating the sclera to the retinal tear, and cryotherapy is used to close the tear. The scleral band is sutured to the surface of the sclera. A small incision will be performed to drain the liquid beneath the retina so that it may reattach to its proper place.

This procedure is successful in over 90 percent of cases, although some cases may require a second procedure. A reattached retina does not guarantee normal vision after the surgery. Vision will depend on several factors: if the macula was involved in the retinal detachment, how long after the detachment was the surgery was performed, underlying diseases that may affect the retina.

If the surgery fails, the retinal surgeon can reapply the retina with other more invasive surgical techniques.

If scarring over the surface of the retina forms after successful surgery, this can lead to a new retinal detachment. This can occur one to two month after surgery. This can be resolved with a procedure called pars plana vitrectomy assisted by injection of air, water, gas or silicone oil.

What is a Retinopexy?

Pneumatic retinopexy is popular technique which consists in injecting a bubble of gas inside the eye. Once inside it will expand and reapply the retina. Once the retina reattaches, the retinal tear is treated with laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy.

This technique is performed in cases with small superior retinal tears with a small retinal detachment.

Key Points Summary
  • Specialized Retinal Repairs: Addresses retinal detachments, tears, and other serious conditions.
  • Advanced Microsurgical Techniques: Utilizes sophisticated equipment to perform delicate surgeries with precision.
  • Restoration of Vision: Aims to restore or improve vision impaired by retinal disorders.
  • Postoperative Care: Includes detailed follow-up to monitor recovery and manage any complications.
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