Pterygium surgery is performed with local anesthesia and surgery is totally painless. Postoperative medications will improve the symptoms associated with recovery.
How long does it take to recover from pterygium surgery?
Pterygium surgery with conjunctival autograft is routinely performed at Tijuana Eye Center. This is a 20 minute procedure that requires a checkup the following day, a week later and a month postoperatively.
What are side effects of pterygium surgery?
Side effects of pterygium surgery may include prescription eyeglass change. We recommend not changing your prescription eyeglasses before surgery. Risk of infection is minimal (1 in 10,000).
How long to wear eye shield after pterygium surgery?
An eye shield is needed only for the day of surgery. The following day it is removed and sunglasses are recommended.
Are you awake during pterygium surgery?
Surgery is performed with local anesthesia and patients are awake and without pain.