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Tijuana Eye Center

What is Ocular Ultrasonography?

This diagnostic technique uses ultrasound waves that produce 2-D images of the eye and surrounding tissues to analyze the anatomical components of the ocular globe and orbit.

globe and orbit

Ocular Ultrasonography is performed with eyelids closed or opened, can expedite the diagnosis and management of several ocular emergencies, including globe perforation, retrobulbar hematoma, retinal detachment, lens subluxation, vitreous hemorrhage, intraocular foreign body and intraocular tumors.

It is performed with a transducer on the eyelid or placing gel on the eye for a more direct approach. It is a procedure that lasts around 15 minutes.


Key Points Summary
  • High-Resolution Imaging: Uses ultrasound technology to provide detailed images of the eye’s internal structures.
  • Diagnostic Versatility: Essential for diagnosing a wide range of conditions, especially where optical methods are hindered by opacities.
  • Non-Invasive Procedure: A painless, non-invasive method that complements other diagnostic techniques.
  • Immediate Results: Quick imaging that aids in prompt diagnosis and treatment planning.
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Copyright Š 2024 Tijuana Eye Center. All Rights Reserved.Todos Los Derechos Reservados. ATENCION AL PUBLICO EN GENERAL Permiso COFEPRIS 203300201A0987 LS 17AM020040034 Responsable Sanitario Dr. Juan P. Rodriguez P. 4452528 Escuela Superior de Oftalmologia del Instituto Barraquer de America.

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