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Tijuana Eye Center

What is Retinal detachment?

Retinal detachment is a serious eye condition in which the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye, called the retina, becomes detached from its normal position.


There are various types of retinal detachment, but in general, it occurs when there is a hole, tear, or accumulation of fluid between the retina and the underlying layers. This can be caused by different factors such as aging, nearsightedness, eye trauma, or inflammation.


Common symptoms of retinal detachment may include sudden onset of flashes of light, a shadow or curtain covering part of the visual field, blurry vision, or loss of vision in one or both parts of the eye.


The treatment of retinal detachment usually requires urgent medical intervention to prevent permanent vision loss. Some treatment options include:

1. Retinal surgery: Surgery may be necessary to reposition the retina back into its correct position. Common procedures include vitrectomy, where the vitreous gel is removed from the eye and replaced with a saline solution or gas, and the placement of silicone bands or laser to seal retinal tears or holes.

2. Pneumatic retinopexy: In some cases, a procedure called pneumatic retinopexy may be performed, which involves injecting a gas bubble into the eye to help push the retina back into place.

It is important to note that the treatment for retinal detachment varies depending on the severity and specific cause of the detachment. Therefore, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a retinal detachment, as timely diagnosis and treatment can improve the chances of preserving vision.

Key Points Summary
  • Urgent Diagnosis: Immediate assessment to confirm retinal detachment.
  • Surgical Interventions: Procedures like laser surgery or cryotherapy to reattach the retina.
  • Vital Follow-up: Essential postoperative monitoring to ensure the retina remains attached and heals properly.
  • Prevention of Further Detachment: Advice on activities and precautions to prevent future issues.
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Copyright Š 2024 Tijuana Eye Center. All Rights Reserved.Todos Los Derechos Reservados. ATENCION AL PUBLICO EN GENERAL Permiso COFEPRIS 203300201A0987 LS 17AM020040034 Responsable Sanitario Dr. Juan P. Rodriguez P. 4452528 Escuela Superior de Oftalmologia del Instituto Barraquer de America.

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