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Tijuana Eye Center

What are Cataracts?

A cataract is a loss of transparency, or cloudiness, of the crystalline lens behind the iris, which under normal conditions focuses the images on the retina.

eyelid inflammation

Slow progressive visual loss is noted over several months or years. The condition can affect both eyes, but usually one eye is affected earlier than the other.

Cataracts may be partial or complete, stationary or progressive, hard or soft. The word “cataracts” scares many people because they think this equates with blindness. The reality is that cataract surgery is the most widely performed surgery in the world. Visual improvement is seen after surgery in the great majority of people with cataracts who have no other eye disease present.

Why do we get cataracts?

The majority of cataracts develop as a result of aging. A person of any age may develop cataracts if other diseases are present, or as a result of trauma to the eye. Besides age related, there are other types of cataracts:

  • Traumatic cataracts
  • Metabolic cataracts
  • Steroid-induced cataracts
  • Congenital cataracts

Signs & symptoms

  • Blurred vision, like looking through a fog
  • Slow and progressive visual loss, which may not be the same in both eyes
  • Halos and glares around bright lights at nighttime
  • Contrast sensitivity is lost, making contours and shadows less vivid.
  • Colors look faded
  • Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription

What type of intraocular lens is right for me?

There are new intraocular lenses now available. Which lens is appropriate will depend on the individual characteristics of each patient. Your doctor will help you decide which lens is right for you.

Toric Intraocular Lenses

These lenses are used in patients with bilateral cataracts, or who require eyeglasses for both far and near vision that will need cataract surgery in both eyes within a short time. This type of lens can correct both near and far vision so that after surgery patients will not require eyeglasses for the majority of their activities. Approximately 90% do not require either far vision or near reading glasses to read the newspaper, a restaurant menu or even a phonebook. There are multiple types of multifocal lenses in today’s market. Multifocal lenses can be divided into BIFOCAL and TRIFOCAL lenses. Bifocal lenses allow near (reading and handheld devices such as a phone) and distance vision (more than a yard in distance). Trifocal lenses allow near, intermediate (computer) and distance vision.

Key Points Summary
  • Common Eye Condition: Cataracts are a prevalent eye condition, characterized by clouding of the eye's natural lens, leading to decreased vision.
  • Symptoms: Common symptoms include blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, sensitivity to light, and seeing halos around lights.
  • Risk Factors: Age is the primary risk factor, but other factors include diabetes, smoking, prolonged exposure to sunlight, and certain medications.
  • Diagnosis: Cataracts are diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination, including visual acuity tests and a slit-lamp examination.
  • Treatment Options: Early stages may be managed with glasses or stronger lighting; however, surgery is the most effective treatment for advanced cataracts.
  • Surgical Procedure: Cataract surgery involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL), typically performed as an outpatient procedure.
  • Improved Vision: Post-surgery, most patients experience significantly improved vision and a quick recovery, enhancing overall quality of life.
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