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Tijuana Eye Center

Our Compliance

Tijuana Eye Center SC. established at Ignacio Comonfort 9350, Colonia Zona Rio, Tijuana, BC., Mexico and / or affiliates and subsidiaries, pursuant to the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private companies acts as responsible for the confidentiality, use and protection of personal information provided to us arising from our normal operation.

  • Our Compliance With Federal Law

    Consequently, personal information will be used for: l) identification and verification, ii) identifying any legal relationship business to conduct with us, including the sale and purchase of products offered, iii) to convey products purchased, iv) send promotions and communications in various ways, v) invite you to attend events known products and vi) for market research purposes. For the foregoing may be asked among other information your name, address, phone, email, RFC / CURP / date and place of birth, sex, nationality, age, credit and asset information.

    If seeking to exercise their ARCO rights (access, modify, cancel or oppose) in their personal data, and to object to the processing thereof, revoke consent previously granted, you can perform through the following email and phone number 52 664 634 0080 where he promptly inform the procedure. Likewise, your personal data will not be transferred to third parties for purposes other than those necessary to provide better service and products without any consent for it required.

  • Notice of Privacy

    In compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (Law), Tijuana Eye Center SC and its subsidiaries and affiliates, protect and safeguard your personal information to prevent damage, lost, destroyed, stolen, misplaced, altered so as to be unduly treated.

  • Information Collected

    Free personal data that are provided voluntarily to Tijuana Eye Center SC by any means without limitation and including: i) personal data, ii) professional data, iii) economic and financial data and iv) apply equally and copy of official identification , credit card and proof of address.
    In the case of third parties whose personal data you collect through, also we took measures of security and confidentiality for the treatment of the same, and always attached pursuant to the Privacy Notice.

    You represent the will and consent that their personal data will be treated in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice, otherwise you will have to contact the e to initiate proceedings for that purpose. Tijuana Eye Center does not collect information from children under age.

  • Use of Information

    Personal data collected are used for some purposes in the following: l) identification and verification, if) identifying any legal relationship do business with us, including the sale of products offered acquisition, iii) bringing you products purchased, iv) send promotions and communications in various ways, v) invite you to attend events product know vi) of merchandise and for commercial prospecting purposes. In the collection and processing of personal information you provide is met at all times with the principles of legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and accountability.

  • Data transfer

    Tijuana Eye Center can hire one more third as service providers that support the activities of promotion and marketing of our goods, management and administration of personal data that are provided, as well as for verification purposes why not there is only a transfer for commercial purposes but also for verification of the information provided, equally Tijuana Eye Center 0 SC may share your personal data transmitting its subsidiaries 0 affiliates for the same purposes set out in this privacy notice.

    In any case Tijuana Eye Center SC marketed, sell 0 will rent personal information about you to third parties without prior consent from you. Tijuana Eye Center SC, Ignacio Comonfort 9350, Colonia Zona Rio, Tijuana, BC, Mexico, 22010, Tel. 52664634 0080, under the orders of the Law, is understood to have given consent to the aforementioned data transfer personal, if not expressed opposition to them they are transferred.

    Personal data provided to Tijuana Eye Center SC, is compiled into a database, the exclusive property of Tijuana Eye Center.

  • Data Security and control measures

    Tijuana Eye Center has implemented measures of administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect personal information security, we require them also to be met by service providers hired.

    Area responsible for the management and administration of personal data.

    The area responsible for the management and administration of data is the Department of personal data to whom you can contact by email directly to our offices at Ignacio Comonfort 9350, Colonia Zona Rio, Tijuana, BC, Mexico, 22010 CP.

    As you can exercise your rights ARCO and revoke the consents You may initiate the procedure ARCO rights protection before the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (IFAI) within 15 days following the date of Tijuana Eye Center response to your request, if the lapse pointing Law Tijuana Eye Center SC has not followed your application.
    As holder of your personal data, you can exercise your rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition to the processing of personal data (ARCO) 0 revoke the consent you have given to Tijuana Eye Center directly by sending your request to the Department data area through personal email account:, the application must contain at least: i) name, address and e! means to communicate the response to your request, ii) proof of identity legal representation, iii) a description of the personal data for which requests to exercise any of the rights ARCO, iv) expressly stated to revoke consent to the processing of personal data and therefore for unused v) any other element facilitating the location of personal data.

  • Changes to Privacy Policy

    Tijuana Eye Center SC reserves the right to modify the privacy notice at any time. If there is any change, it will communicate through the portal of Tijuana Eye Center.

  • Date of last update of this Privacy Notice

    The date of the last update was August 13, 2014. The Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI) is charged with issuing regulations and enforcing the law. The regulations are expected to be issued within one year, and the law was not enforced until January 2012. While the Law incorporates many principles found in the major privacy drivers such as the OECD Privacy Guidelines and the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive, it clearly opts to follow the guidance in the APEC Privacy Framework.

    This choice is especially evident with the provisions that address "accountability," and the departure from the prohibition from data transfers to countries that do not offer an adequate level of privacy protection, which has been the hallmark of 1995 EU Data Protection Directive. Instead, for crossborder data transfers, the Mexican Law requires notice and consent of the data subjects, and makes the data controller responsible for ensuring that the recipient of the data abide by the same principles as those that are set forth in the sender's privacy policy.

  • Scope of the Data Protection Law

    The entities that are subject to the Law are individuals or legal persons that process personal data, other than credit information companies. In addition, like most other countries' data protection laws, Mexico's Law excludes from its scope individuals who collect, store, and use personal data for personal purposes. 

    The Law regulates the processing of personal data. The definition of the term "processing" encompasses a broad range of activities that include collection, use, disclosure, storage, access, management, transfer and disposal of personal data. 

  • Protected Information

    The Law applies to personal data that are processed, transferred, or disposed by private persons or entities. "Personal data" includes any information pertaining to an identified or identifiable natural person. 

    More stringent provisions apply to the handling of sensitive data, that is, those data that pertain to the race or ethnicity, health, genetic information, religion, philosophical and moral beliefs, union membership, political opinions and sexual preference of an individual.

    Further, even though financial and economic data are not included in the definition of "sensitive data," their processing requires the express consent of the data subject.

  • Obligations of the Data Controller

    The Law identifies restrictions to the collection and use of personal data. Most provisions apply to "data controllers," the individuals or private corporations that determine how and by whom, personal data are processed.

    Data controllers must collect and process personal data in a lawful manner. The data must be relevant, necessary, accurate, and updated for the purposes for which they were collected.  

    Data controllers may process personal data only for the purposes stated in their privacy notice unless the data subject consents to a new use of the data for a purpose that is not compatible with or analogous to the purpose that is set out in the privacy notice. Data controllers may keep the data only as long as necessary in order to fulfill the purposes for which the data were collected, and must delete any data that are no longer necessary for these purposes. 

  • Conditions to the Collection and Processing

    The general rule is that data controllers must obtain the consent of the data subjects in order to process their personal data. The consent may be expressed or implied. In the case of sensitive data, or financial and economic data, the expressed and written consent of the data subject is required.

    There are several cases where the data subject's consent is not required for the processing of personal data to be lawful. For example, consent is not required when the collection and processing of the data is provided by law or is necessary to comply with obligations derived from a legal relationship between the data subject and the data controller.

    There are other exceptions for data that have been anonymized, are included in publicly available sources, or are needed for medical care, prevention, diagnosis, or medical treatment while the data subject is unable to provide his consent.

  • Security and Breach of Security

    Data controllers must have in place appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards in order to ensure that personal data are protected from loss, damage, alteration, destruction, and unauthorized access or use.

    The safeguards must be at least as secure as those that the data controller uses to manage its own data. Further, data controllers must keep data in a manner that allows the prompt exercise of the data subjects' rights.

    In the case of a breach of security, the Data Protection Law requires that the data subjects be notified of the breach if the breach significantly affects the concerned data subjects' economic or moral rights. The Law does not require that other entities or government agencies be notified as well. 

  • Obligation to Inform the Data Subjects

    Data controllers are required to give data subjects a privacy notice that identifies among other things, the entity that collects the data, what personal data are collected from them, the purposes of the collection and processing of their personal data and the proposed transfers of personal data.

    In addition, the notice must indicate the options and means that data subjects may use in order to control the use and disclosure of their personal data and the means by which they can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition.

    The notice must be provided to the data subject when the data are collected, unless the data were not collected directly from the data subject. The notice can be in printed form, electronic form, or other format. Special provisions apply when personal data are collected through mobile phones or text messages. 

  • Area responsible for the administration of personal data

    The department responsible for the management and administration of data is the Department of Personal Data whom you can email at directly to our offices at Ignacio Comonfort 9350, Colonia Zona Rio, Tijuana, BC, Mexico, 22010 CP.

  • How to exercise your ARCO rights and revoke your consent

    You may initiate the procedure ARCO rights protection before the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (IFAI) within 15 days following the date of Tijuana Eye Center response to your request, if the lapse pointing Law Tijuana Eye Center SC has not followed your application.

    As holder of your personal data, you can exercise your rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition to the processing of personal data (ARCO) 0 revoke the consent you have given to Tijuana Eye Center directly by sending your request to the Department data area through personal email account:, the application must contain at least: i) name, address and e! means to communicate the response to your request, ii) proof of identity legal representation, iii) a description of the personal data for which requests to exercise any of the rights ARCO, iv) expressly stated to revoke consent to the processing of personal data and therefore for unused v) any other element facilitating the location of personal data.

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